Assarmatori organizes “Navigate towards your career” in Livorno. A concrete response to the staff shortage

“Navigate towards your career”: this is the title of the event that will be staged next Monday, March 25, on the decks of the Moby Legacy, the largest ferry in the world, moored at dock 62 of the port of Livorno. Appointment at 9.30 with the ‘Career Day’ organized by Assarmatori, the shipping association belonging to Conftrasporto-Confcommercio which represents Italian, European Union and third country shipowners who carry out scheduled maritime services in Italy, in collaboration with the company GDM – Gente di Mare, one of the most important maritime training centers, based in Livorno.

Students from various secondary schools are expected on board Moby Fantasy.

“For some time now – comments Giovanni Consoli, deputy general secretary of Assarmatori – the shipping sector has been grappling with a shortage of maritime personnel which has taken on emergency characteristics, particularly during the summer season. For this reason, also following the Interministerial Decree of last November which allocated important economic resources for the training of new professional skills by companies, we intended to organize various moments of meeting between job supply and demand, putting students in contact with maritime transport companies. But not only. The initiative is also open to those looking for a new job after losing their own and for this reason we have also started a collaboration with employment centres”.

The one in Livorno will be the first of a series of meetings that will take place in the coming weeks in other Italian cities.

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