Fusiliers of the San Marco Marine Brigade on the container ship Jolly Oro: joint exercise Italian Navy-Assarmatori-Ignazio Messina & C.

Suspicion of illegal cargo on board. Based on this simulation, on July 9th the joint inspection exercise between the Italian Navy, Assarmatori and Ignazio Messina & C. took place on board the container ship Jolly Oro sailing in the Eastern Mediterranean headed for the port of Salerno.

The training activity, conducted under the aegis of the Command in Chief of the Naval Fleet (CINCNAV), involved the assets operating within the scope of Operation Safe Mediterranean (OMS).

The objectives of the exercise also included verifying the correct exchange of information between the actors involved (ship, company and military and government counterparts). Following the acquisition and sharing of information between the Multidomain Center of the Italian Navy in Santa Rosa (Rome) and personnel at sea, the destroyer Francesco Mimbelli was tasked with conducting an inspection of a suspicious vessel, in which the marines of the San Marco Marine Brigade also took part.

After establishing radio contact with the container ship Jolly Oro, the destroyer declared its intentions and asked the Commander of the merchant vessel to proceed with the boarding of an inspection team for a VBSS (visit, board, search, and seize) operation.

Using a barbettone, the marines of the San Marco Marine Brigade climbed aboard to inspect the ship and verify the regularity of the documents. At the end of the exercise, the Jolly Oro resumed regular navigation.

“The collaborative relationship between the Italian Navy, our association and the companies is now well-tested – comments the President of Assarmatori Stefano Messina – and over the years exercises like this have become increasingly frequent. These are fundamental activities for the protection of the safety of crews and cargo on risky routes. The training of crews, the rapid reaction of the parties involved and the role played by the Italian Navy, precious and irreplaceable in protecting first of all human lives and the safety of navigation, have proven particularly effective”.

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