Italy cautious in Brussels on the revision of the ETD. Assarmatori: “Position that protects maritime transport”

Assarmatori expresses satisfaction for the position taken by Italy and for the strong and consequent concern expressed in Brussels by the representatives of our Government on the issue issues related to the hypothesis of revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD).

As is now known, the European Commission has proposed to extend the taxation also to the fuel used by ships, and even if tthere are some exemptions, these changes are largely inadequate to protect both maritime transport and the entire national fuel production and distribution chain.

“There is a concrete risk – highlights the president of Assarmatori, Stefano Messina – of a significant loss of competitiveness of entire segments of the community economy and of our country to the full advantage, in the Mediterranean, of the countries bordering this sea, but they are not subject to the new legislation as they are not members of the EU. Paying the bill for a measure conceived in this way would be not only different sectors of maritime transport, but also synergistic activities such as the port, logistics and bunkering, as well as the refining companies that produce the fuel used by marine engines”.

Assarmatori expresses maximum support for the action of the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini and the deputy minister Edoardo Rixi, as well as the MEPs who are working to stem this provision.

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