The Assarmatori Career Days continue. New event at Torre del Greco

The events organized by Assarmatori continue, the shipping association belonging to Conftrasporto-Confcommercio which represents Italian, European Union and third country shipowners who carry out maritime services in Italy. This events aim to help young people above all to rediscover a tough but fascinating profession, ancient but modern at the same time, providing them with certain answers and encouraging meetings with those who have already undertaken a career to the sea.
The second stage of the specific Career Days, after the event held in Livorno, will therefore be in Torre del Greco, where the Association, in collaboration with the Stecca incubator and with the patronage of the Municipality of Torre del Greco, will have the task of promote the multiple opportunities offered by the maritime sector to students but also to people looking for work.
The press conference to present the Career Day will take place on Monday 8 April, at 10.30 am, in the council room of the Municipality of Torre del Greco (Palazzo Baronale, Piazza del Plebiscito), which will take place on Friday 12 April, from 9.00 am to 1pm. in the headquarters of the Stecca incubator (Ex Molini Marzoli Area, via Calastro – Torre del Greco).
Students from various secondary schools and all those interested in undertaking a working career on board ships are expected at the event and, on this occasion, they will be able to meet and dialogue with representatives of the shipping companies.

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