Assarmatori regularly works with a number of national and international regulators, maritime and trade bodies, academy and training centres within the shipping industry and beyond. Its partners include:
CONFCOMMERCIO-Imprese per l’Italia
Confcommercio, the Italian General Confederation of Enterprises, Professional Activities and Self Employment, which is the largest business association in Italy, with more than 700,000 member companies. Confcommercio gives voice to the people and to enterprise businesses. It represents its members throughout Italy at both the regional or province level and with regional unions, divided by professional and sector levels. Confcommercio also operates at the national level in front of the EU. Through its extensive network, Confcommercio represents its members in the different professions and sectors in various ways including by advocating for policy for businesses and workers through its national structure, identifies needed action that should be taken to better protect employees, such as market reforms or tackles and promotes national initiatives while developing and implementing tools and strategies to give voice to its members in the represented sectors. Read more
Conftrasporto is the confederation representing all the transport sector, which includes all businesses and groups working in the world of transport, and shipping and logistics. Conftrasporto stands as the focal point and base for all the players in the world of transport. It protects the interests of all the players in the transport sector in a unified manner and is a primary confederation advocating for the interests of the transport industry before the Italian Government and the European Union. It is represented on the national level by 130 provincial associations which all are part of the Confederation. Read more
Assoporti is the Italian Port Authority Association which was established by the Port System Authorities (PSAs) – under Legislative Decree No. 169/2016. In light of the new governing authority, the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft, and Agriculture, which represents the Italian Chambers System, determined the locations for the 15 new port authorities which were established in place of the current ones.
Assoporti represents the 15 Port System Authorities (PSAs) which manages Italy’s 57 largest national ports. Read more
Partenariato per la logistica ed i trasporti
The partnership is the new body established by a recent law reform to the transportation and logistics sector, which will have technical support from RAM – Logistics, Infrastructures and Transportation Spa, an in-house company of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, and fully owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. RAM will carry-out assigned activities, and study, monitor and consult with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, to develop new policies and government strategies for the transportation and logistics sector. Read more
RAM – Logistics, Infrastructures and Transportation S.p.A.
RAM is an in-house company of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, fully owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, established in 2004 under the name Rete Autostrade Mediterranee (RAM). RAM intends to capture huge market potential for Italy by implementing a National Program, “Motorways of the Sea” which will be within the wider context of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), and the Transverse Corridor Motorways of the Sea (MoS). Read more
Italian Coast Guard
The Corps of the Harbor Masters or Coast Guard of Italy which is part of Italian Navy which is under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The Coast Guard is dedicated mainly to the civil use of the sea and to the safety of navigation and to the administration of the merchant navy.
In Assarmatori’s partnership with Italy’s Coast Guard, key dealings include:
– The 6th Department (Navigation Safety and Security) of the Coast Guard Headquarters which is the technical department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, responsible for both administrative and functional navigation and maritime security; and
– The 2nd Department which is charge for the administration of maritime transport, with capillary presence on the national territory. Read more
Confmare is the new confederation of maritime transport operators which intends to be a key player concerning the emerging concept of the Blue economy. Read more
Federazione Nazionale degli Agenti Raccomandatari Marittimi e Mediatori Marittimi
Federagenti operates throughout Italy through its 16 local associations which cover all 144 Italian ports, and is the only business association in the maritime port sector. The associated Shipping agents operate in the container, cruise, tramp (assistance to ships carrying oil, coal, and other dry bulk cargoes), naval management, yachting (assistance to motor yachts and sailing) and in brokering (brokerage and freight search and naval buying and selling). Read more
The Italian Academy of Merchant Marine
The Academy was founded with the aim of offering excellence in training for maritime personnel. It is said that when accidents happen at sea, the greatest part of the accident depends upon human error, so the training of maritime personnel in the best way possible is of crucial importance. The Academy offers training to marine personnel on board and offshore, and to ship operators at the managerial and operations levels within the maritime cluster. Custom-made training can be delivered and there can be continuing training from basic training to advanced training while maintaining the highest standards of training. Read more
Adriatic Nautical Academy
Founded in 2015, Accademia is a Higher Technical Institute dedicated to providing the highest levels of vocational training. The academy offers highly qualified training to the entrepreneurial field, collaborating with companies, universities, scientific and technological research centers, local authorities, school systems and local training in the territory.
The activity of the Adriatic Nautical Academy provides a direct response to the request by companies in the maritime sector for work profiles of adequate professionalism and immediate insertion, enabling students to quickly enter the working world after having received high level vocational training. Read more
Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (ODCEC)
The association among the Italian Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (ODCEC) established in 2008 has several functions at the national level. Its activities include: representing its members, providing opinions on draft laws or regulations concerning the profession, adopting and updating of code of ethics, regulating disciplinary functions, the coordinating and promoting council activities, supervising the activities of councils, overseeing the administrative management of appeals concerning select council decisions and approving training programs. Read more
European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA)
The European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) is an inter-trade organization representing the interests of its members towards EU institutions such as the EU Commission and international institutions, including the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). ECSA is recognized as the representative body of the European shipping sector. Read more
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the world’s leading shipping organisation, representing the majority of the world’s merchant tonnage, through membership by national shipowners’ associations and operators. It promotes the interests of its members in all matters concerning regulatory, operational and legal shipping issues. Read more