Naval Exercise: Italian Navy – Assarmatori – Ignazio Messina & C.; inspection aboard the Jolly Verde in the Eastern Mediterranean

For the military personnel, executing a boarding operation on a cooperating merchant vessel with professionalism and speed while maintaining safety conditions at all times. For the crew of the merchant ship, verifying their ability to respond cooperatively to an inspection request from a warship.

These were the objectives of the exercise conducted yesterday, involving the Italian Navy frigate Alpino, the container ship Jolly Verde, owned by the company Ignazio Messina & C., while navigating in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the shipowners association Assarmatori.

The operation, part of a long-term training project for maritime personnel, was conducted under the auspices of the Italian Navy Fleet Command (CINCNAV) and involved both embarked staff and operational units within the framework of Operazione Mediterraneo Sicuro (Safe Mediterranean Operation – OMS). After gathering and sharing intelligence between the Italian Navy’s Operations Center in Santa Rosa, Rome, and the naval units at sea, the Alpino was designated to carry out an inspection of the container ship.

Initially, radio contact was established between the Italian frigate and the merchant vessel. The military unit’s command, after declaring its intentions, requested permission from the ship’s captain to proceed with boarding inspection teams. The military personnel then boarded the container ship to conduct an inspection, verifying the regularity of the ship’s documents and cargo. Upon completion of the exercise, the Jolly Verde resumed its regular navigation.

“These kinds of exercises are now conducted frequently, and their successful execution demonstrates the high level of collaboration achieved between the Italian Navy, our association, and the shipping companies,” commented Assarmatori President Stefano Messina. “This relationship is particularly valuable and has recently become even more frequent and well-established in order to ensure high safety standards for crews and to protect cargo and trade routes, even on potentially high-risk routes, during such a complex and challenging historical period.”

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